4:30 pm arrival, settle in
6:30 pm dinner blessing circle begins
8:00 pm opening & welcome, followed by
an evening of connecting ... to self, each other & the world beyond.
Ayrlie & Shelley will lead us through fun and moving participatory exercises that lead us into a special space that has us noticing the
ways – big and little – that we’re connected, that we belong and that who we are matters.
The day:
Imagine spaciousness. Allow creativity. Feel the flow. Listen Deeply.
We continue our journey into the space of conscious co-creation with a backdrop of:
- Silent art
- Time in nature
- Games/ play/ total silliness
- Nap time
- Shared meal prep & enjoying
The evening:
Community Dinner ...
followed by an evening of story, song, connection and co-inspiration ...
Special Guests and Musician friends Chris Burkett (chrisbirkett.ca) and Dan Ferguson share their love of music and life in general leading, opening a space to weave our own stories, songs and rhythms into a collective sonic co-creation.
Also joining us will be Joan Prowse, Producer/ Director at Cineforce!
And in more moments, as the day unfolds, you’ll keep noticing that who you are is an essential part of the whole.
The mainly blank slate invites our individual and collective imaginings, wonderings, learning and yearnings to come together organically and magically as we co-create our world.
From 1 -3 pm, we'll invite new playmates (friends and family) of all ages to jump on the IC 2016 magic carpet we have woven together. This is an opportunity to invite a wider community into our playground!
(* you will be on a meal team that offers 1 meal over the course of the weekend.)